Better Images for Petition and Event Pages

An issue we commonly hear from organizations is that campaigners and event hosts are often not choosing images for their campaigns/events, are choosing low-quality images, or are choosing images that have been copyrighted.

At the same time, our testing has shown the benefits of a good campaign image: petitions with images typically receive three times as many signatures compared to those without. Choosing the right image makes petition and event pages look better and more inviting, while also improving the appearance of social shares.

To help leaders choose better quality images, we’ve integrated with a free image library that has over 3 million high-resolution images to choose from.

After creating an event or petition, the leader will see an automatic prompt to choose an image for their petition or event page. They can then enter a keyword to see a selection of matching images and choose the one that best fits their campaign.

The free image library allows a leader to search for campaign images.

After searching for a keyword, users can select the image they’d like to use and it will be automatically added to their campaign or event page. We’ll also use the image in social sharing and petition/event list pages. If leaders prefer to upload their own image, that option remains available.

For admins, the image library is also available in the moderation queue. This allows moderators to easily ensure that all petitions and events have a good image without needing to worry about copyright claims.

Making it easy for leaders and moderators to choose great images for their campaigns and events is another way ControlShift tries to ensure that petition creators and events hosts have all of the tools they need for success. If you’re looking for strategies to help your supporters become more effective leaders, get in touch!