Beautiful maps for your movement

Person holding up a map marker. Putting all of your organizing on a map helps supporters find opportunities to get involved near them, highlights the reach of your community, and visualizes the depth of the organizing that your team is leading.

We’re passionate about putting all of your work on the map, regardless of what tools you might be using. In addition to distributed events and local groups created within ControlShift, we also ingest events and other activity from EveryAction, MobilizeAmerica, and other tools we integrate with. This way, the map can be a tech-tools-agnostic hub to showcase all of your work and all of the local opportunities for supporters to get involved.

We’re also excited to make it easy to syndicate the maps you build to other sites through easy-to-configure embeds. Map embeds shine on campaign micro sites, regional affiliates, and partner pages. You can also restrict the embed to a particular geographic area or a filtered set of targeted local opportunities.

Alternatively, our rich API also allows customers to build completely custom experiences if our out of the box maps do not meet your organizing needs.